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Week 7 | Slicer mini

3D cardboard object using slicer fusion 360

Finished Design

This week we created a mini design to help model our next week's larger assignment. Below in a photo of my mini lamp side table design.

I started creating my 3 dimentinal design in fusion 360. I wanted the bases to be a bit larger than the top like so.

Then I exported the stl file and downloaded slicer for fusion 360.

Once it was imported into slicer, I was able to change my canvas size dimensions so that all my parts would fit on the same page, this would avoid having to copy and past everything once it was into illustrator. Thank you Tuna and Whitney for this time saving tip!

Here is my design after converting the construction technique to interlocked slices

I also re-measured the width of my cardboard just to make extra certain my slices would fit snug in my design. I realized after making this box, I should use a slightly larger width dimension because some of my pieces where a little too snuggly fit into each other.

Here is my design after playing with the form, I found this to be the best positioning. I also moved in the outer wall slices in a bit more so they would stay intact better.

My finished slice design sheet! I imported this file into illustrator.

Whoops, my canvas size was not the correct size and orientation

Next I edited the stroke weight to .01mm and upressed print

I imported it into the eppelog app and changed my vector settings

Then I realized I was on the wrong layer so I had to go back and reselect the correct layer and do this process over.

This is the vector settings for the text I needed for each slice

Then I started laser cutting!

Getting a little flammy

This wasn't a completely clean cut, the middle slices I ended up needing to use an exacto knife to wiggle out

Here are all the slices removed

Now starting to assemble. I had to use a bit of extra force getting the last slices interlocked, next time I will increase the width of the cardboard a tiny bit.

Here is what my test cut looked like completely cut

All put together!

This makes me want to redo all my elementary school science fair projects that required models…I could make a pretty cool looking sustainable home design or volcano

Here is the link to my design files click here